The faster you can get from property purchase to sale, the more profitable your fix and flip will be. Time is costly for investors thanks to holding costs like loan interest, property taxes, and utilities – for each, the total amount you pay grows as time...
With so many options available for real estate loans, it can be hard for investors to decide what type of funding is best for them. Most people think of a traditional mortgage from a bank before anything else, but a conventional loan is not always the best option for...
Time is a fix and flip investor’s worst enemy. The faster an investor can get from deal discovery to sale, the more profitable their business will be. Time hurts your bottom line thanks to: Loan interest payments Property taxes Utility costs Market fluctuations The...
When searching for the right location and real estate market to invest in, there are many factors to consider—availability, affordability, profitability, as well as economic strength and promise. With insight into Florida’s past, present, and future local markets,...
With competitive deal terms and the ability to finance projects across the country, national lenders may seem like a viable lending option for some hard money borrowers. However, it is important to understand how many national lenders differ from their regional...